Introduction to Module 4: Your Transformation

This module is comprised of 3 lessons:

Congratulations! By now you will have gained the skills to take the last step in this course with confidence, knowing how to identify your immediate needs and start to make the changes you feel ready for.

·     In Lesson 11 you will learn what’s driving you to change and how to prepare for what’s about to come!

·     In Lesson 12 you will learn about the central role gratitude plays in your ability to create lasting change and how to slowly integrate it into your mindset after devastating loss.

·     In Lesson 13 you will learn about the importance of relief and how to trust you can create the changes you need and want in your life, big or small, after discerning what's best for you. Starting today.

Click Complete and Continue to access Lesson 11.

Introduction to Module 4.pdf
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